20 Passive Income Ideas for Artists: Unleash Your Creative Earnings!

As an artist, I’ve always been passionate about expressing my creativity, but finding ways to sustain that passion financially can be challenging. That’s why I’ve dived into exploring passive income options that allow me to keep creating without worrying about the next paycheque.

There are numerous methods to earn money on the side, especially for those of us with a knack for art and creativity.

Various revenue streams: art prints, digital downloads, merchandise, art licensing, commissions, online courses, Patreon, YouTube, affiliate marketing, book publishing, stock photography, print-on-demand, art fairs, workshops, sponsorships, crowdfunding, art galleries

How can artists generate income without having to constantly trade time for money? In this article, I’ll share 20 exciting and practical ideas that can help artists like us earn passive income.

These ideas are designed to leverage our creative skills to generate a steady stream of income, enabling us to focus more on what we love doing most—creating art.

1) Sell Digital Prints

A colorful array of digital prints displayed on a virtual storefront, with various artistic designs and styles, ready to be purchased and downloaded by customers

I love selling digital prints! It’s an amazing way for artists to make passive income. The best part is that once you create the artwork, it can generate income over and over again.

I start by creating high-quality digital versions of my artwork. Then, I upload them to platforms like Etsy, Gumroad, and my own website.

People can buy these prints, download them, and print them at home.

I also find that offering different sizes and resolutions helps to attract a wider audience. Customers love having the option to choose what best suits their needs. Plus, it’s super easy to set up.

Another great tip is to follow trends. Creating pieces that reflect popular styles or themes can increase sales. Seasonal or themed prints, like Christmas or summer, can be particularly appealing.

Don’t forget to promote your digital prints on social media. Sharing behind-the-scenes looks at my process and showcasing my prints in real-life settings really helps to engage potential buyers.

It’s fantastic to know that my art lives in homes around the world. And the best part? I can keep earning from a single piece without any additional effort. Selling digital prints has definitely been an exciting and rewarding way to share my creativity.

2) Create an Online Course

An artist's desk with a laptop, drawing tablet, and various art supplies. A bulletin board with 20 passive income ideas pinned up. A cozy, well-lit workspace

I’m always excited about the idea of sharing my knowledge and skills with others. Creating an online course can be a fantastic way to generate passive income. By turning my expertise into valuable content, I can reach students worldwide.

First, I need to identify a topic I’m passionate about and knowledgeable in. It could be anything from painting techniques to digital art skills. The key is to focus on what I love and what others want to learn.

Once I have my topic, I’ll plan the structure of my course. Breaking it down into manageable lessons makes it easier for students to follow.

Recording high-quality videos and creating engaging materials like PDFs and quizzes will enrich the learning experience.

Next, I’ll choose a platform to host my course. Websites like Skillshare or Udemy provide an easy way to get started.

These platforms handle the technical side, allowing me to focus on creating amazing content.

Marketing my course is crucial. I can promote it through social media, my art blog, or even during live workshops.

Reaching out to my audience and showing the value of the course can help attract students.

Creating an online course requires effort initially, but once it’s up and running, it can bring in revenue with little ongoing work. It’s a perfect blend of art and education, allowing me to share my passion and earn money at the same time.

3) License Your Art

A collection of diverse artworks displayed on various products, such as mugs, t-shirts, and phone cases, with a "license your art" banner in the background

Licensing my art has been one of the most exciting ways to earn passive income. It’s amazing to see my creations on different products like mugs, t-shirts, and phone cases.

By licensing my designs to brands, I can reach more people without doing additional work. Every time someone buys a product with my art, I earn money.

I love working with brands that share my vision. It’s gratifying to see my art appreciated and used in unique ways.

Licensing agreements can vary, but typically, I receive a percentage of each sale.

I started by contacting companies that align with my style. There are also platforms where artists can upload their designs for licensing.

These platforms handle the sales, marketing, and customer service, which saves me a lot of time.

For more tips on licensing, check out this guide on licensing your designs. It’s been an invaluable resource for me.

Licensing not only provides passive income but also boosts my visibility as an artist. The more products featuring my art, the more people recognise and follow my work. It’s a fantastic feeling!

4) Sell on Etsy

A cozy art studio with various art supplies and finished artwork displayed, a laptop open to Etsy with "20 Passive Income Ideas for Artists" on the screen

Selling on Etsy is super exciting! It’s a fantastic platform where I can reach buyers who appreciate unique, handmade items.

I’ve found that creating printable art is one of the easiest ways to earn passive income. Once I create the designs, I don’t have to worry about shipping or inventory. Customers just download and print them out.

Etsy also has options for digital planners. These are in high demand, as many people are looking for ways to organise their lives digitally. I can customise planners for different needs and niches.

Another idea is selling educational resources and e-books. Teachers and parents often look for such materials to aid in learning. It’s rewarding to create something useful and educational.

Etsy’s global reach and supportive community make it an ideal place to sell unique products. There’s a massive audience out there ready to buy creative digital items. Plus, the platform offers tools and resources to help me succeed.

5) Start a Patreon

A desk with art supplies, a computer with Patreon website, and a sign reading "20 Passive Income Ideas for Artists" displayed prominently

Starting a Patreon has been an amazing way for me to earn passive income. It’s like having a fan club where supporters pay to access exclusive content.

I create a variety of content for my patrons. This includes behind-the-scenes looks, early access to my artwork, and special tutorials. They love getting a sneak peek at my process.

Customising the tiers on Patreon was also a fun challenge. Each tier offers different rewards and benefits. It’s a great way to engage with fans at different levels.

One exciting idea is offering exclusive technical tutorials. My fans are always keen to learn new skills and see how I create my art.

Patreon lets me build a tight-knit community. My supporters feel more connected to my work. It’s a win-win for everyone involved.

6) Design and Sell Merchandise

An artist's workspace with art supplies, computer, and merchandise samples. A sign reads "Design and Sell Merchandise 20 Passive Income Ideas for Artists"

Designing and selling merchandise is a fantastic way for artists like me to make passive income. I love turning my art into items people use every day.

One great option is print-on-demand services. I can upload my designs to websites like Society6 and Redbubble.

They print my art onto products like T-shirts, mugs, and phone cases. The best part? I don’t have to worry about inventory or shipping.

I also enjoy creating my own online shop. Platforms like Etsy are perfect for selling unique, one-of-a-kind pieces.

I get to connect with buyers who appreciate my work and want something special.

Another exciting avenue is licensing. Brands can use my designs on their products. Licensing expands my reach and brings in extra cash without extra work. It’s amazing seeing my art on different items.

Creating merchandise means my art gets seen and used by more people. I get to share my creativity and earn money along the way. As an artist, it feels so rewarding to see my designs out in the world.

7) Create a YouTube Channel

An artist's desk with art supplies, a computer, and a camera set up for filming tutorials. A whiteboard with "20 Passive Income Ideas for Artists" written on it

Creating a YouTube channel is a fantastic way to earn passive income as an artist.

I can share my creative process, tutorials, or even time-lapse videos of my artwork. These videos not only help me connect with a wider audience but also generate ad revenue.

Monetising a YouTube channel requires consistent content and building a subscriber base. Once I have enough views and subscribers, I can earn through adverts, sponsored content, and possibly even merchandise.

YouTube is also a great platform for collaborations. Working with other artists can help me reach new audiences and learn new techniques.

Additionally, I can direct viewers to my other platforms where I sell my work, driving traffic and potential sales.

8) Offer Virtual Art Lessons

An artist sits at a desk with a computer, tablet, and art supplies. A virtual art lesson is displayed on the screen, while the artist demonstrates a technique

One of my favourite ways to earn passive income is by offering virtual art lessons.

With so many people interested in learning new skills online, this has become a fantastic opportunity for artists.

I can set up live workshops or pre-recorded classes.

For live workshops, platforms like Zoom or Google Meet are great options. These workshops allow me to interact with students directly, providing personalised feedback and guidance.

By setting up pre-recorded classes, I can reach a wider audience.

Websites like Udemy or Skillshare are perfect for this. Once recorded, these classes can generate income for years without much additional work.

Another exciting idea is to create video tutorials on YouTube. By monetising my channel, I can earn money every time someone watches my videos.

This way, I’m sharing my passion for art while also making a profit.

Creating a membership community can be another source of income.

I can offer exclusive lessons, tips, and resources to my members. Platforms like Patreon make it easy to manage subscriptions and provide exclusive content.

Offering virtual art lessons has endless possibilities. It’s a rewarding way to earn income while sharing my love for art with others!

9) Illustrate Children’s Books

A cozy, colorful art studio filled with art supplies, a drawing table, and shelves of illustrated children's books. Sunlight streams through a large window, casting a warm glow over the space

One of the most exciting ways I can use my artistic skills is by illustrating children’s books. Not only does this allow me to showcase my creativity, but it’s also a fun way to bring stories to life.

I can partner with a writer who provides the story, and I supply the illustrations. This is a great way to focus on what I love while still contributing to a larger project.

Sometimes, writers will pay me upfront for my work. However, I prefer to request royalties.

This way, I can earn passive income each time the book sells, which can add up over time.

If writing is also a passion of mine, I might take on the challenge of writing and illustrating my book. This can provide even more opportunities for income.

I’ve learned that the income range for illustrating a children’s book can vary widely, from around £5,300 to £38,000 per project. This depends on factors like my experience and the book’s publisher.

Illustrating children’s books isn’t just a job; it’s a chance to inspire young readers and leave a lasting impact. Every illustration might be the moment a child falls in love with reading.

10) Start a Blog

A desk with art supplies, a laptop, and a notebook. A stack of books on passive income. A sign reading "Start a Blog 20 Passive Income Ideas for Artists."

Starting a blog is a fantastic way to share my artistic journey and connect with other creatives.

I can write about my techniques, inspirations, and daily life as an artist. Readers love behind-the-scenes content and personal stories.

Monetising a blog opens up multiple income streams.

Through affiliate marketing, I can recommend art supplies and tools I genuinely use, earning a commission on purchases.

Paid advertising is another option. By placing ads on my blog, I can earn money every time visitors click on them.

Sponsored posts are also an opportunity. Companies often pay artists to review their products or feature them in a blog post.

Selling digital products like eBooks or printables is another way to generate income. An art-themed blog can include exclusive downloadable content for readers.

Creating and growing a blog takes time, but it’s rewarding.

Engaging with my audience through comments and social media helps build a loyal following. Sharing knowledge and connecting with others who share my passion can turn a blog into a thriving, passive income source.

11) Sell Stock Photos

A cozy home office with a desk, computer, and art supplies. Natural light streams in through a window, illuminating the space. A bulletin board displays inspiring images and quotes

Selling stock photos is an exciting way for artists to earn passive income. I simply take photos and upload them to stock photo websites. Each time someone buys one of my photos, I earn money.

I can start by using popular sites like Shutterstock, Adobe Stock, and iStock.

These platforms have millions of users, so there is a high chance of my photos being purchased.

It’s important to upload high-quality and marketable images.

I should focus on various themes and trends that are in demand, such as nature, travel, or lifestyle images.

Once my photos are uploaded and approved, they can continue to sell for years.

This consistent earning potential is what makes stock photography such a great passive income stream for artists. By regularly adding new photos, I can increase my earnings over time.

12) Design Book Covers

A colorful palette of art supplies arranged around a desk with a laptop, representing creativity and potential income for artists

I love creating book covers! It’s such a thrilling way to blend art and storytelling. There’s always a need for eye-catching covers, whether for novels, self-help books, or children’s books.

Book covers are a fantastic way to get your art noticed. Authors and publishers are constantly looking for fresh and innovative designs to make their books stand out.

Using platforms like Fiverr or Upwork, I can connect with clients who need covers. It’s amazing how many opportunities are out there.

Once I build a portfolio, it becomes easier to attract more clients. Repeat business is common because happy clients love coming back for more.

Digital tools like Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator make designing book covers easier than ever.

I can experiment with different styles and techniques to create unique and captivating designs.

I can also consider selling premade book cover designs on websites like Etsy or Creative Market.

This can bring in extra passive income. It’s exciting to see my designs on bookshelves or online stores!

13) Make Art for Video Games

A colorful palette of paintbrushes, pencils, and digital tablets sit on a cluttered desk. A computer screen displays a vibrant, otherworldly landscape, inspiring the artist to create their next masterpiece for a video game

Creating art for video games is a thrilling way to earn passive income. Video games always need fresh and unique visuals. I can design characters, environments, textures, or even user interfaces.

The demand for talented artists in this field is high. Many indie game developers are constantly on the lookout for artwork. Plus, established game studios also need artistic talent.

I can start by uploading my art to online marketplaces for game assets.

Websites like Unity Asset Store and Itch.io are great places to showcase and sell my designs. Each time a developer purchases my assets, I earn money.

Additionally, working on commissions for game developers is an exciting option.

It’s a perfect way to make a name for myself in the gaming community. I’ll create custom artwork that fits their game, ensuring they get exactly what they need.

Another option is to collaborate with a game development team.

By contributing my art to a project, I might earn a share of the game’s revenue once it’s published. This can lead to long-term passive income as the game sells.

Making art for video games combines my creativity with a passion for gaming. It’s a fantastic opportunity that doesn’t just pay well but also allows me to be part of the exciting world of game creation.

14) Create a Colouring Book

A cozy art studio with a desk filled with art supplies, a computer displaying passive income ideas, and a stack of coloring book pages ready to be illustrated

Creating a colouring book is a fantastic way to share your art. I love the idea of turning my illustrations into a fun and relaxing activity for others. The best part is, once it’s done, it can keep earning money for me without much extra effort.

I start by sketching my designs on paper. Then, I use bold lines to make the outlines clear and distinct. This helps the final product look professional and makes it easier for people to colour.

Once my designs are ready, I scan them and format them into a book.

There are many online platforms, like Amazon’s KDP, that let me self-publish my book. It’s exciting to see my work available to a global audience.

Selling on platforms like Etsy can also be rewarding.

I’ve seen artists get steady sales by listing their unique colouring books. It’s essential to set a fair price, considering the time and effort put into each design.

I could also create downloadable PDFs of my colouring book. This digital format allows instant access for buyers, and I don’t have to worry about printing or shipping.

Creating a colouring book is a fun and creative way to generate passive income. I get to share my art with the world and reach new audiences who appreciate my creativity.

15) Sell Custom Portraits

A colorful palette and paintbrushes on a clean, organized desk. A computer displaying a website with "Sell Custom Portraits" prominently featured

I love the idea of selling custom portraits! It’s a fantastic way to showcase your talent and connect with people personally.

Creating personalised portraits can be very rewarding. Each piece tells a unique story, and capturing someone’s essence is incredibly special.

Social media is a great place to advertise my work. I can share my portfolio on Instagram or Facebook to attract clients. Word of mouth also helps, as satisfied customers often recommend me to their friends and family.

I can offer different styles, from realistic to abstract, which allows me to reach a broader audience.

Some people might prefer a traditional portrait, while others may love a more modern, artistic approach.

To make the process smooth, I can set up a simple commission system.

Clients send me photos and details, and I provide updates as I work on their pieces. This makes it easier to ensure they’re happy with the final result.

Selling custom portraits has the potential to be a steady income stream. By setting fair prices and delivering quality work, I build my reputation and enjoy a fulfilling side hustle.

16) Host Webinars

A laptop displaying "20 Passive Income Ideas for Artists" with a webinar host speaking. Art supplies and a payment symbol are visible in the background

I’m thrilled to tell you about hosting webinars as a fantastic way to earn passive income!

Webinars can be a fun and interactive way to share your knowledge with others while making money.

I can teach various art techniques or even collaborate with other artists.

Hosting a webinar allows me to engage with my audience in real time.

This makes it more personal. I can also record these sessions and sell the recordings later.

This way, my work pays off long after the live session ends.

Partnering with platforms that specialise in online learning can increase my reach.

For example, platforms like luukminkman.com suggest networking with community centres or art studios.

Pricing is flexible. I can offer free webinars and generate income via donations or go for a paid model.

Charging a fee per participant makes sure my time is valued.

Using social media and email lists to promote my webinars will attract more people.

Plus, collecting feedback helps improve future sessions.

So hosting webinars is not just profitable, but it’s also a great way to connect and build my brand.

17) Design Greeting Cards

A cozy art studio with a desk covered in colorful sketches and paintings, surrounded by shelves of art supplies and inspirational quotes

I absolutely love designing greeting cards! It’s a fantastic way to share my art with the world and make some passive income.

First, I create unique designs that people might want for birthdays, holidays, or any special occasion.

Then, I upload these designs to print-on-demand platforms. These platforms handle printing and shipping, making it super easy.

I also like to sell my designs on online marketplaces like Etsy or Redbubble.

This way, I only need to create the design once, and I can sell it repeatedly without any extra work.

It’s a great feeling when I see people buying my artwork and using it to celebrate their special moments.

Another idea is to license my designs to card companies. This can help me reach a larger audience and earn royalties from each sale.

Licensing agreements might take some time to arrange, but they can be very rewarding.

Creating greeting cards is not only a creative outlet for me, but it also brings in some extra cash with minimal effort.

18) Start a Print-on-Demand Store

A cozy art studio with a computer, printer, and shelves of colorful artwork. A sign on the wall reads "Print-on-Demand Store: 20 Passive Income Ideas for Artists."

I love the idea of starting a print-on-demand store! It’s a fantastic way to turn art into a business.

I don’t have to worry about keeping stock, which makes it low-risk.

The process is simple. I create my designs and upload them to a print-on-demand site.

Sites like Zazzle and others offer lots of features and product options.

Customers can choose to have my artwork printed on various items.

This can include t-shirts, mugs, tote bags, phone cases, and even wall art. The site handles printing and shipping, which means more time for me to create.

I earn money every time someone buys one of my printed designs.

It’s like having my own shop without the hassle. Plus, I can reach a global audience thanks to the internet.

There are many print-on-demand platforms available, making it easy to find the right fit for my art style.

I can keep it fresh by updating my designs regularly, which helps keep my store interesting.

19) Sell Art on Instagram

A colorful palette of paintbrushes, canvases, and art supplies arranged neatly on a desk with a smartphone displaying Instagram app open to an artist's profile showcasing their artwork

I love selling my art on Instagram! It’s an amazing platform with millions of users. I can easily reach a huge audience.

Starting is simple. I just need to create a profile and start posting my artwork. High-quality images are a must. They attract more likes, comments, and followers.

Engaging with followers is key. Responding to comments and messages builds a loyal community.

It’s also good to use relevant hashtags to expand my reach.

Instagram Stories and Reels can be handy. They keep my audience engaged and bring more visibility to my artwork.

I often share behind-the-scenes looks, which my followers really enjoy.

Consistency matters. Posting regularly helps me stay on followers’ minds.

I try to stick to a theme or style, which strengthens my brand.

Online sales are made easy. I can use Instagram Shopping features to tag products in my posts. This allows followers to make purchases directly through the app.

Collaborating with influencers can boost exposure.

Partnering with popular accounts brings my art to more eyes. They can share my work with their followers, which is exciting!

20) Become a Creative Consultant

As a creative consultant, I get to share my passion and expertise with others.

It’s thrilling to help businesses and individuals find unique solutions.

I work with clients to develop brand identities, design marketing materials, and create engaging content.

It’s rewarding to see their ideas come to life.

One of the best parts is the flexibility.

I can choose projects that align with my interests and fit them into my schedule.

By offering workshops or one-on-one sessions, I can guide clients through their creative journeys.

This adds value to their work and spreads my love of creativity.

It’s a great way to earn passive income by hosting pre-recorded courses or webinars.

No need to repeat myself, and my knowledge keeps working for me!