What to expect working TWO REMOTE JOBS

Working two full-time remote jobs can be a challenging yet rewarding experience. In a typical day, meetings can consume a significant portion of the day, leaving little time for personal projects or social life. The challenge of coordinating meetings and ensuring they do not overlap can be one of the biggest obstacles to overcome.

Expect to be busy, but not necessarily too busy to manage. Balancing two jobs can be doable, but it can also mean sacrificing time for side projects or other personal pursuits. Additionally, being an outsider in both companies may make it difficult to fully participate in team activities and speaking opportunities. However, working two remote jobs can offer the unique opportunity to take control of one’s own destiny and make quick money.

Key Takeaways

  • Coordinating meetings can be the biggest challenge when working two full-time remote jobs
  • Balancing two jobs can mean sacrificing time for personal projects and social life
  • Working two remote jobs can offer the opportunity to take control of one’s own destiny and make quick money

Typical Day Working Two Remote Jobs

According to the speaker’s experience, a typical day working two full-time remote jobs involves a lot of meetings. The speaker mentioned that the biggest challenge of working two jobs is coordinating the meetings and avoiding overlaps. Additionally, the speaker highlighted that attending meetings is not essential for the job, and a lot of these meetings do not require the attendance of all participants.

The speaker provided five things that someone can expect if they decide to work two full-time remote jobs. The first point is that they will be in a lot of meetings, and the number of meetings will be double what they are used to. The second point is that they will be busy, but not as busy as they might think. The third point is that they will have no time for side projects, such as working on startups or businesses. The fourth point is that they will be the outsider, and they need to get used to it. Finally, the fifth point is that they need to keep things to themselves and not share everything they are doing.

The speaker emphasized that working two remote full-time jobs is a unique opportunity that our generation gets to explore, and it is a good way to make quick money. However, the speaker also highlighted that working two remote jobs can be dumb in a lot of ways.

Understanding the Meeting Schedule

Working two full-time remote jobs means spending a lot of time in meetings. The speaker in the video explains that a typical day for them was filled with meetings, and they had to coordinate their schedule between two companies.

The speaker’s meeting schedule included weekly meetings on Mondays, which were the busiest day of the week. They had a meeting called UXPM Devsync with Company One, where they would sync up with the UX designer, product manager, and dev lead to talk about what the team was working on. The speaker refers to the companies as Company One and Company Two, but these names are not necessarily the actual names of the companies they worked for.

One of the biggest challenges of working two full-time remote jobs is the number of meetings. The speaker notes that it can be twice as many as what someone might experience in a typical job. Coordinating the meetings and avoiding overlap can be a challenge, and sometimes it’s not even essential for the job. The speaker believes that companies and people will become more comfortable with remote work and realize that having everyone in the same place at the same time is an old way of thinking.

The speaker also notes that working two full-time remote jobs means being busy, but not necessarily too busy. They were able to manage their schedule, but they had no time for side projects, such as making YouTube videos or working on startups or businesses.

Another aspect of working two full-time remote jobs is feeling like an outsider. The speaker explains that they were there for the paycheck, while others were there for the social aspect and to make friends. The speaker advises not to expect a promotion during this time, as it can be challenging to participate in team activities and other opportunities.

Lastly, the speaker advises keeping things to oneself. They couldn’t be completely transparent about their workload during team meetings, and they had to keep their mouth shut to avoid spreading themselves too thin.

In summary, working two full-time remote jobs means spending a lot of time in meetings, coordinating schedules, and being busy but not too busy. It can be challenging to participate in team activities and keep things to oneself. However, it’s also a unique opportunity to explore remote work and take control of one’s income.

What to Expect When Working Two Full-Time Remote Jobs

When working two full-time remote jobs, one can expect to spend a lot of time in meetings. Meetings are the biggest challenge, as coordinating them and avoiding overlaps can be difficult. It is unfortunate that meetings take up so much time, as they are not always essential for the job, and many times, the employee is not even needed in the meeting.

Being busy is another thing to expect when working two full-time remote jobs. While it is manageable, one may find that they have no time for side projects, such as working on startups or businesses. This lack of time for side projects was a deal breaker for the speaker in the video.

As an employee of two companies, one can expect to be an outsider. While there for the paycheck, others may be there for the social aspect, to make friends and build their status. It may be difficult to participate in team activities and speaking opportunities, as it could spread the employee too thin and make them unavailable for the other company.

Lastly, keeping things to oneself is something to expect when working two full-time remote jobs. While it may be tempting to share everything that is going on, it is important to keep quiet about the other job. This can be challenging for those who tend to overshare and be transparent about their work.

Overall, while working two full-time remote jobs can be a good way to make quick money, it is not without its challenges. It is important to be aware of what to expect and to weigh the pros and cons before taking on such a workload.

Challenges of Balancing Two Jobs

Working two full-time remote jobs can be a challenging task. One of the biggest challenges is the number of meetings that need to be attended. The number of meetings can double, making it difficult to coordinate and avoid overlapping. Even though attending meetings is not always essential for the job, it still takes up a significant amount of time.

The second challenge is being busy but not necessarily productive. Working two jobs can make one feel busy, but it may not translate to being productive. It can be a shock to the system to work from nine to five-thirty every day with a short lunch, especially if one is used to being able to take breaks throughout the day.

The third challenge is having no time for side projects. Working two jobs can leave one with little to no time for side projects, such as making YouTube videos or working on startups or businesses. This lack of time for side projects can be a deal-breaker for some people.

The fourth challenge is feeling like an outsider. While working two jobs, one may not have time to participate in team activities or take on speaking and presenting opportunities. This can make one feel like they are missing out on the social aspect of the job.

The fifth challenge is the need to keep things to oneself. While working two jobs, one may not feel comfortable sharing everything that is going on with their coworkers. This can make one feel like they are not being completely transparent.

Overall, working two full-time remote jobs can be a unique opportunity to explore remote work and take control of one’s financial situation. However, it is important to be aware of the challenges and weigh the pros and cons before deciding to take on two jobs simultaneously.

Impact on Personal Projects and Social Life

Working two full-time remote jobs can have a significant impact on personal projects and social life. The biggest challenge is the number of meetings one has to attend. Meetings take up a considerable amount of time, and coordinating them can be difficult. It can be a challenge to ensure that meetings do not overlap, and one may have to bail out of meetings without a good excuse.

While meetings are essential in some cases, many meetings are unnecessary and do not add value to the job. Companies and people may become more comfortable with remote work in the future, and they may start to realize that having everyone in their chair from nine to five is not necessary.

Working two full-time remote jobs can make one busy, but not necessarily productive. One may feel busy, but their schedule may not allow for personal projects or time for social activities. This lack of time for side projects and social life can be a deal-breaker for some individuals.

Another challenge of working two remote jobs is being an outsider. One is there for the paycheck, while others may be there for social or status aspects. It can be challenging to participate in team activities, speaking engagements, or presenting opportunities without spreading oneself too thin.

Finally, keeping things to oneself can be difficult. One may have to be careful about what they share with their colleagues, which can be challenging for individuals who tend to be transparent. It may be challenging to share personal or work-related issues with colleagues, which can impact one’s social life and work relationships.

In conclusion, working two full-time remote jobs can be a good way to make quick money and take control of one’s destiny. However, it can have a significant impact on personal projects and social life. It is essential to consider the challenges and evaluate whether working two jobs is worth the sacrifice.

The Upside of Working Two Remote Jobs

Working two full-time remote jobs can be a challenging feat, but it also has its upside. Here are some benefits that one can expect from this setup:

  1. Increased Income: Working two remote jobs means doubling one’s income. This is a great way to make quick money and take control of one’s financial future.
  2. Flexibility: Although one may be busy with back-to-back meetings, working remotely allows for more flexibility in terms of work hours and location. This means that one can work from anywhere and at any time, as long as they meet their deadlines and deliverables.
  3. Opportunities to Learn: Working with two different companies means exposure to different work cultures, processes, and tools. This can be a great opportunity for personal and professional growth.
  4. Work-Life Balance: Although working two jobs can be demanding, it can also help one establish a better work-life balance. By having two jobs, one can prioritize their work and personal life accordingly.
  5. Unique Experience: Working two full-time remote jobs is a unique experience that not everyone gets to explore. It can be a great way to challenge oneself and gain new skills.

Overall, working two remote jobs may not be for everyone, but it can be a lucrative and rewarding option for those who are up for the challenge.

Conclusion and Future Videos

Working two full-time remote jobs can be a challenging experience, as evidenced by the speaker’s daily schedule filled with back-to-back meetings. Despite the challenges, there are some benefits to working two jobs, such as the ability to double one’s income and take advantage of the flexibility of remote work.

However, the speaker warns that working two jobs can lead to a lack of time for side projects and a feeling of being an outsider in both companies. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of large chunks of uninterrupted time for makers, such as developers and designers, to work on complex problems.

In future videos, the speaker plans to discuss the downsides of working two remote jobs and why it may not be a wise decision. Overall, the speaker’s experience highlights the importance of carefully considering the pros and cons before embarking on a journey of working two full-time remote jobs.